Sunday, January 30, 2011

Kiln Firing Results

Yesterday I opened the kiln and this is what it looked like.  I am happy to announce no pieces were lost in this firing, and that makes me happy.  This is what everything looked like once I got them all out


Do you like what you see?  Well come back Thursday because I will have a giveaway of one of those birds and beads.  I need to do one more firing to complete the sets and take pictures.

Friday, January 28, 2011

Where in the world is Yolanda??

I know, I know it seems like after my last post I just disappeared to never be  seen again...Well not so really.  Holidays came and went, everything was nice.  Staying home this year and spent Christmas with friends and had a great time.  For New Year's it was quiet here at home.

I think part of my disappearance from the clay blog was the disappointing firing I had before the Holidays.  A full kiln of ornaments all went to the trash... the glazing was horrible.  It made me feel like crap really.  I still cannot pin point what it was, I did a small firing  afterwards of little things I make to give away like magnets, smaller pendants, some beads and the firing came out good.  So I am being brave right now and filled the kiln for a firing and it's going as we speak....  fingers crossed.  Here are some pictures of the kiln full right now.

Beads on wire before loading in kiln
This is the whole batch, about 150 beads and 30 pendants

Here is a view from above of the full kiln.  Not all those beads fit, I had about 30 pieces left for next firing.  I have to glazes more things to add to those and really use all the space possible.

This load I will probably open Saturday night or Sunday.  So until then I say, later.